Wednesday, December 12, 2012

New 1850 list

I'm ploaying around with what I think works for Nids in 6th edition... Here's my current 1850 list, as part of the new direction I'm going.

Flyrant, Devourers Old Adversary
Flyrant, Devourers Hive Commander (Warlord:   )
5 Ymgarls
5 Ymgarls
Doom in a Pod
10 gants
10 gants
Tervigons (Tox/Adrenal) with three powers
Tervigons (Tox/Adrenal) with three powers

Let's take a look at the two top armies right now... Probably Daemons, and Necrons. When playing Necrons, assuming that it's objectives (5/6 chance!), the point is board control. 2 Flyrants gives me as much anti-flyer as I'm going to get with my bugs, so I need to focus on controlling the ground. Trygons are useless here. So, I need a strong objective holder with some power, which of course leads me to Tervigons. This is a bit of a step back along my path, but it's not neccessarily backwards.

Now, look at Daemons. Assuming flamers and screamers, you need lots of horde units, for tie down and overwatch soaking. If you throw gants into Flamers, and then put a Tervigon into them, they won't get out on their own. Screamers are also blunted against masses, plus poisoned attacks will wear them out fast. Tervigons are the clear choice here.

So, let's say I want to add a Tervigon in. With 10 mandatory gants, the way I run them will hit 260 points. Let's drop 2 Trygons, and now I have 140 points left... Before I make choices here, let's look at what the Tervigons are for. Two is good for objectives. Alternatively, throwing 3 straight at enemy lines is a nice enough anvil for my reduced hammer. 2 Ymgarl squads, 2 Flyrants and the Doom should still work pretty well, it has almost the same initial damage output first turn, just less of a second turn threat. By that point (turn 3 at earliest) the 3 Tervigons should be getting close enough to scare, or at least force my enemy to keep their distance. But back to objectives, I think that in most cases I can use Hive Commander to outflank a Tervigon. Depending on how I roll on others, it may be worth NOT rolling Biomancy on one of the Tervigons, for this purpose. Why? Well, catalyst can be used AFTER moving, therefore after reserves, which Endurance can't. So, against a high firepower army that can potentially knock off a Tervi in one turn, I'll keep powers on the outflanking one. In objectives, there's usually one objective on each short edge, and in hammer and anvil the boards condensed enough that an outflanking Tervi is golden either way.

This takes me back to my nemesis, Kill Points... against Necron air force, I still see no way to improve my list to the point where I could beat them. I just have to pray my Tyrants survive, after all I'll basically be throwing every power off all psychers into keeping those two alive. Hope for Iron Arm, and then pour Endurance onto them. This matchup is still a small possibility in a tournament, so let's hope for now that I can avoid it. Against Daemons however, Kill points are much more manageable. A FnPed squad of gants cab do great against the forward units, which I'd hope to break, and then have the Tyrants go around mashing the backfield droppers, like Plaguebearers.

So, 140 points left... I haven't adressed Gunlines yet, so let's look at my options...

20 Gargoyles with Toxins is a perfect points fit, and not shabby at all. Assaulty hordes, guns, and cheap fast bubblewrap, plus I have the models. Let's now look at other options.

2 Biovores leaves fun extra points... with these I could buy an extra Ymgarl for each brood, which could be crucial for maximum carnage thanks to the evil that is overwatch. Or, I could drop one Ymgarl and add either Crushing Claws to my outflanking Tervi or Old Adversary to the second Flyrant. I don't think I need two OA, so the choice comes down to the extra Ymgarl or the Claws. Claws usually don't pay their points, but are occasionally great, while an extra Ymgarl will almost always be useful...

I think the Biovores and upgrades are a better buy. Biovores can mess with DSing units, like Daemons, or units getting out of a transport. 6 Ymgarls each is a bit better for soaking wounds and tipping a key assault. However, both will most likely be tested before I decide on my 1850 list... Here's the current list though.

 Anti flier, check. Strong objectives, double check. Horde, check. Tough models, check. Backfield disruptions and distractions, DOOM-check. Kill Points... hard to check off. 13 kill points in my army. The "easy" ones are Biovores, the pod, and (maybe...) the Doom. Gants and Flyrants can be. The Biovores will be hidden of course, while the Pod will be in the open. The list shouldn't give up first blood with ease, except perhaps to Drop Pod lists where he can hit me first turn. Otherwise, I think I'll get it. Linebreaker I should also get with Flyrants and all my reserves.

Flyrant, Devourers Old Adversary
Flyrant, Devourers Hive Commander (Warlord: )
6 Ymgarls
6 Ymgarls
Doom in a Pod
10 gants
10 gants
10 gants
Tervigons (Tox/Adrenal) with three powers
Tervigons (Tox/Adrenal) with three powers
Tervigons (Tox/Adrenal) with three powers
2 Biovores

1 comment:

  1. Maybe it will be better to upgrade one pack of normal gants to devgants in a spore?
